The more I ran, I felt like it was chasing me more and more. I didn't know what to do so I was just aiming my house. The Last thing I remember was being lifted up into the spaceship. I didn't remember anything that happened after that. I was like I was brainwashed.....
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
I was abducted by aliens last night while I was walking home. I was at my friend's house late and decided to walked home. Suddenly, a bright flash of light came down on me. I though the street lights just got brighter but I was wrong. It was some kind of a spaceship looking thing. I started running. That's when I realized my house was the opposite side of the direction I was running. The spaceship was huge! It was just soaring around the sky.
Monday, October 24, 2016
How was your Fall Break? Please share your best or worse memory from Fall Break? What you you change about your break? What would you keep the same?
My Fall Break was OK. I didn't do much. I stayed home, went on my phone most of the time. Actually, my Fall Break was boring. Monday-Thursday was really a stay home day for me. On Friday tho, my friends came over and slept over for 2 nights. I would want to do something through Monday-Thursday because it was boring but I would keep Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
If I can be any superhero, I would be Flash. He was the power to run super fast and also can time travel at some point (only when he runs super fast occasionally). He was a lot of drama going in his life but he has also all the positive stuffs going on in his life. In the beginning, he gets struck by lightning while there was a particle excelerator explostion. Even though if that happened to me I would be happy with what happens after. That is why I would be Flash.
Monday, June 6, 2016
My favorite memory of this school year was making new friends. I think that is one of the main reasons why I enjoy coming to school everyday. I love all the teachers I have had this year. I don't think I had a problem with teachers this year so I want that to continue that. I still liked my 6th grade year better but since teacher changed and the school location too, things just got different. This year, I made a lot of new friends and also became friendly with new teachers. I also liked the LELs. They provided us really fun trips but I still think I will like the city LeLs in the end of the year the most. This year was good. I LIKED IT.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
If I had my own Holiday, I would be a day where we celebrate all the animals in the world. I know there is like a national dog day and stuffs but I want a day where we celebrate ALL the animals. A day were we are able to take any animal and keep it like it's ours. PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THE ANIMALS!!!! Animals are going to be treated a our rulers. I love animals, on this holiday, if you don't like animals or have problems with them, we will give you a nice vacation ticket so you can go anywhere you want in the world. Also a day where we can do anything we want to in this whole white world. And also a day where everything is free except like meds and etc.

- What does Wael Ghonim say are the “five critical challenges facing today’s social media”? The five critical challenges facing today’s social media he mentioned was Rumors, how we create our own echo chamber , how communication can turn to a insult, offence,and etc. Also how it became hard to change opinions online and how the Internet provides shallow conversations.
- What are some suggestions Wael Ghonim tells his audience for how we can “liberate the Internet”? He makes some suggestions but here are four suggestions he made. He said,"But what if we put more focus on quality?" "Couldn't we just give people more incentives to engage in conversations, rater than just broadcasting options all the time? Or reward people for reading and responding to view that they disagree with?" "What if we have a matrix that says how many people changed their minds, and that becomes part of our social media experience?" "We don't claim to have the answers, but we started experimenting with different discussions about very divisive issues, such as race, gun control, the refugee debates, relationship between Islam and terrorism. These are conversations that matter.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
When I grow up, I want to be a Fashion Designer. My mom is a Fashion Designer and my dad is a Printer. Ever since I was little, I was dreaming of being a Fashion Designer. It just excites me how I can make my own clothes and traveling around the world exploring new designs and clothes. I want to live in a house, adopt many dogs, and also own a penthouse in NY with my friend A. I haven't thought out my future out yet but this is how I plan to be so far.

Monday, March 28, 2016
During my spring vacation, I came to school on Monday, Tuesday, and also Wednesday. I didn't have much fun but I enjoyed meeting my friends at school. We listened to audio books and took reading counts. On Thursday, I stayed home and was on social media and chatting my friends. On Friday and Saturday, I had a 2 day sleep-over with my friends. We went to slot of places and also went shopping together. Most of the times, I just walked my dog. We had a barbecue party and so the whole family came over and so as my friends. I went to the beach and also had a "sleepover" with my 2 of my best friends. Since Sunday was Easter, my Church provided us lots of game. It was a very busy but fun weekend. Time went by really fast because I came to school. I mostly wasted my time online, chatting, video chatting, and etc. I enjoyed this break. Good bye.
Friday, March 11, 2016
ESFJ PERSONALITY (“THE CONSUL”) People who share the ESFJ personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, ESFJs continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.
I do agree with this because I do enjoy cheering people up. I like to help brighten people's day by making them smile and laugh. I like to connect with people and also I can relate to people's emotion very easily. I like being friends with a lot of people and I enjoy making new friends. I also like to support people. I am sensitive.
Friday, February 26, 2016
I will be much more safe about who I am texting and for what reason. Since everything we search and do is going to be left in our digital footprint, I think from now on, we all should be very careful about all the things we do online. Hackers and spams can get in our ways. It is very important to think about not only us but others. By that, I mean cyber bully. We should be carefully with our language around other even in person.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Internet because without it, I can't use my phone.
Technology because without it, the internet will be useless.
Houses becasue without it, we have no where to live.
Plumbing becasue without it, we wouldn't have indoor restrooms, showers, sinks, and also water inside the house.
T.V:) and also other things.................
Technology because without it, the internet will be useless.
Houses becasue without it, we have no where to live.
Plumbing becasue without it, we wouldn't have indoor restrooms, showers, sinks, and also water inside the house.
T.V:) and also other things.................
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Dear alien,
There's tons of things you can do and there is a lot of places to go visit. First, lets start with Los Angeles. They have great food and fun things to do like shopping and visiting museums. If you go out a little bit from LA, you can visit great hiking trails. You can go where ever you want to go depending on your style and choice. They also have a hiking trail to go pass by the Hollywood sign. You can go to Italy, Mamanuca Islands, Glass beach, Glow worm cave, Greece, etc. So what do you think, do you like it, if you have other questions about Earth, please email me or some sort of contact.
There's tons of things you can do and there is a lot of places to go visit. First, lets start with Los Angeles. They have great food and fun things to do like shopping and visiting museums. If you go out a little bit from LA, you can visit great hiking trails. You can go where ever you want to go depending on your style and choice. They also have a hiking trail to go pass by the Hollywood sign. You can go to Italy, Mamanuca Islands, Glass beach, Glow worm cave, Greece, etc. So what do you think, do you like it, if you have other questions about Earth, please email me or some sort of contact.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Describe your most or one of your most embarrassing moments in your life.
One of my most embarrassing moments happened when I was in elementary. My friends loved to prank people or scare them (especially me). One of my friends told me to go in a restroom stall and wait there so I did (which I shouldn't have), the next thing you know, she is running and slamming the door. I was so scared and she made me fall in to the toilet. I was soaking wet and it was only morning. I had to survive a day in wet clothes. I was just lucky that the water was clean. Everybody was just laughing and......
One of my most embarrassing moments happened when I was in elementary. My friends loved to prank people or scare them (especially me). One of my friends told me to go in a restroom stall and wait there so I did (which I shouldn't have), the next thing you know, she is running and slamming the door. I was so scared and she made me fall in to the toilet. I was soaking wet and it was only morning. I had to survive a day in wet clothes. I was just lucky that the water was clean. Everybody was just laughing and......
Friday, January 22, 2016
If you could be anywhere else in the world right now, where would you be? What would you be doing ? Who would you be with?
I would be in Korea (South Korea) with my family. We are all Koreans but I myself have never been to Korea. Lots of my family members live in Korea so one thing I would do is visit all of my family members. I would want to be there with all of my family members here in California. I would be doing lots of stuffs like shopping, visiting family members from here and there and etc. Even though I have never been to Korea, I know I would love it there. That is where I would go, what I will do, and who I will be with.

I would be in Korea (South Korea) with my family. We are all Koreans but I myself have never been to Korea. Lots of my family members live in Korea so one thing I would do is visit all of my family members. I would want to be there with all of my family members here in California. I would be doing lots of stuffs like shopping, visiting family members from here and there and etc. Even though I have never been to Korea, I know I would love it there. That is where I would go, what I will do, and who I will be with.

Thursday, January 21, 2016
What is your favorite kind of music? Name some artists you enjoy listening to.
I like any types of music. I don't have a exact song that I like. I listen to any types of music on the radio so I don't really have a song I like to listen to again and again. I don't know that much artists because I don't search up the song title and look for the artist so...... It also sometimes depend on how I feel on that certain day.
I like any types of music. I don't have a exact song that I like. I listen to any types of music on the radio so I don't really have a song I like to listen to again and again. I don't know that much artists because I don't search up the song title and look for the artist so...... It also sometimes depend on how I feel on that certain day.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
What would you want your last meal to be before you die?
I would probably want to eat the food that my family makes because my family can't make food for me when I am dead. I love the food my family makes because they make many types of food. I don't know how or when I'm going to die but I would miss my family a lot. I would also want to go to Korea and eat Korean food because I have NEVER been to Korea. A lot of my family members live or came from Korea. I was born here so I would love to go to Korea and try Korean food.
I would probably want to eat the food that my family makes because my family can't make food for me when I am dead. I love the food my family makes because they make many types of food. I don't know how or when I'm going to die but I would miss my family a lot. I would also want to go to Korea and eat Korean food because I have NEVER been to Korea. A lot of my family members live or came from Korea. I was born here so I would love to go to Korea and try Korean food.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you want there with you?
If I was stuck in a deserted island, I would take a lifetime supply of food, a helicopter because if I am stuck in a deserted island I would probably be surrounded by water. I would also take my friends so that it would make me feel much better and not ashamed of myself.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Who is the most important person(people) in your life or role model and why?
My parents are the most important in my life. They are important to me because they gave birth to me and gave me an ability to be born. And of course God too is the most important because he gave such great parents. All the people that are important to me is my role model because they have great influence. Those are the people/person who is important to me.Monday, January 11, 2016
What are your goals for this quarter in Technology?
My goal is to pass Technology. To pass all my tests and unit exams. I am passing Technology but I want to go for a higher grade. Also by passing Technology, I can use my knowledge and apply it on other classes for DP's and computer homework. I want to pass all of my classes ( ELA, History, Math, Science, PE/VPA). I want to reach at least my goal for promotion. Lastly, I want to graduate/promote.Friday, January 8, 2016
If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
If I could be any superhero, I would be Flash. He is fast and can speed back to time! Who wouldn't want that. I can save a human's life in the speed of light and can save the day. I will be fighting crime all the time and to hide my identity, I can have a regular job.Thursday, January 7, 2016
If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?
If I had a million dollar to spend, I would save it up in the bank and put it in a credit card (depending on how old I am when I have this much money) and keep about half of it in cash. I would first go shopping. I'm not really sure if I would spend it all because I would pretty much be spoiled but I still think about it's possible. And the main thing I would do is pay for my family's needs like for their hospital and medicines for their health. I would travel to places like to islands and different cities and states. And of course I would buy a house and car. I would also adopt lots of puppies. That is what I would do with a million dollars.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
What I did during my winter vacation
What I did over Winter Break
I went to Las Vegas for the first week with my cousins from Korea. Than, another cousin from Korea came during her Winter vacation. I had a lot of family members visiting us for the New Year.We stayed up all night at New Year's Eve until New Years. Well, only my sisters and cousins. Everybody else fell asleep so..... But we still had fun that day. Also, it is a Korean tradition to Sebae to our elders in New Years so Me and my sisters wore a Hanbok and went to our grandparent's house. It was a good Winter vacation.
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